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Chapter 8 Math Projects Powered by GitHub

Section 8.1 PreTeXt authoring system

is an authoring and publishing system for scholarly documents, especially in STEM disciplines. Works authored in PreTeXt can be converted to HTML, PDF, braille, and many other formats. This book was written in PreTeXt!
PreTeXt is particularly well-suited for the creation of interactive and accessible Open Educational Resources in mathematics and computer science. Works authored in PreTeXt can be deployed to Runestone Academy
, allowing students to log into their textbook and persist progress on exercises and activities.
The PROSE Consortium
forms the broader ecosystem serving open-source STEM open educational resources and offers regular drop-in meetings for community members to learn more about its products, which also include WeBWorK
and Doenet
Getting Started with PreTeXt
is a tutorial that uses GitHub Codespaces to get authors up and writing quickly, and helps them share their works on GitHub and GitHub Pages.

Section 8.2 \(\pi\)-Base Community Database of Topological Counterexamples

To paraphrase Mary Ellen Rudin, “topology is a dense forest of counterexamples, and a usable map of the forest is a fine thing.”. The \(\pi\)-Base
aims to serve as this atlas, turning the classic text Counterexamples in Topology
into an open, living, and interactive database supported by a community of researchers, instructors, and students.
To learn how to contribute to the \(\pi\)-Base, a tutorial
is available to walk through the process of editing its data and previewing it in your own Codespace.

Section 8.3 Lean Theorem Prover

The Lean theorem prover
is an interactive proof assistant that allows mathematicians to formally verify their proofs by computer.
The textbook Mathematics in Lean
provides an excellent introduction to authoring in Lean, with GitHub Codespaces support.
(For a more casual experience outside GitHub, the Lean game server
has fun tutorials for both Peano axioms and naive set theory.)

Section 8.4 code4math

In December 2023, the American Institute of Mathematics hosted a workshop of researchers to explore the future of sociotechnical infrastructure for mathematics. One outcome of this work was the establishment of, a community for mathematicians engaged in this work.

Section 8.5 PROSE Consortium

The PROSE Consortium is a community of instructors, developers, and researchers focusd on open-source tools and resources for mathematics and computer science education. You can engage with this group by visiting their homepage at